Drew Smith receives reserved matters planning consent for new homes at North Whiteley.

Drew Smith is extremely pleased to announce achieving reserved matters planning consent for 112 new homes at North Whiteley. The site presents a fantastic opportunity to deliver a wide range of family homes in a semi-rural setting, amongst beautiful landscaping and adjacent the future Northern Local Centre.

A big thank you to the design team, including Cooper Baillie Limited, Odyssey, Floyd Matcham (Dorset) Limited, ECOSA, Tree Frontiers Ltd, AES, Pegasus Group and Tetra Tech, having all worked very hard to deliver a well-considered scheme that will sit harmoniously in the surrounding environment, while also standing out as a distinguished parcel.

Thank you also to the planning team at Winchester City Council, having worked proactively with us to reach an excellent scheme design worthy of the granted permission.

Daniel O’Shea, Development Manager at Drew Smith said; “It is extremely satisfying to achieve planning consent on a very important site, both for the business and our local area. I am looking forward to our development being realised and becoming a complementary element of the overall masterplan, along with contributing to the ever-growing need for new homes. Positive times!”

Work commences on site in Spring 2022.